Monday, 3 October 2011

I should know by now that working with kids will always keep me laughing. They say the funniest things.

One of the 3 year olds that I work with in the afternoon said that her sister was going to get my eye out, then take my hand off, and my arms all because her sister is a stinky butt.

I was told I should dye my hair pink and then was proposed to by one of my five year olds.

Very interesting day.

We practiced for Grandparent's Day again, no vomit this time. success.

The kindies are learning the letter Uu, it seems that it is very difficult for them to distinguish the difference between the vowels. We sing lots of songs to try and get it into their minds. But we shall see if it pays off.

We do word families, tin, sin, bin, in, etc. And sight words such as here, the, a,. To teach them the word 'the' we always say in class "T-H-E spells the." One boy was in with a tutor today and when reading a sentence he had to ways say this when reading 'the.' for example T-H-E spells the hen is in T-H-E spells the pen.

Thought that was funny and goes to show that repetition can work, maybe not exactly as we would like it to.

I was told on Saturday that great people have great thoughts.
something to think about.

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