About Me

My name is Erica and I began my blog describing my life after graduating from university. You see I did something that more and more college grads are doing, moving home. So I packed up my car and traveled the 30 hours, with an awesome friend, and set up my residence at home.

I graduated with a teaching degree and was not able to find a full time teaching job right away. But I did find an aid position in a kindergarten classroom. The next year I did find a teaching position and I am going on my fifth year of teaching. But have been having the sense that something is missing. So I am quitting my teaching position

I am a Christ follower and I do fully believe that everything happens for a reason so as I ponder what I am to do next I will reveal many of my inner thoughts to you. For me this is my form of therapy. I have actually had a few epiphanies while writing my blogs. I also write a blog so that others can realize that they are not alone in their thoughts and feelings.

I greatly enjoy traveling and more importantly with a mission's mindset. I will be spending my 2016 summer in Fond Blanc, Haiti.

Click here to read what Egress means to me.

I actually love many things. I love sports, pretty much all. I love movies, books, music. I love the feeling when you smell something familiar.

If you like something you read and you think someone else would benefit from it please share it. If you have some comments to what I write please let me know.

Happy Reading

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