Tuesday, 13 January 2015

I am in my Babylon, are you?

                                                         Quote Cred Loubis and Champagne

So if you read my post from last night, late last night. You would know that I am not particularly fond of the Jeremiah 29:11 verse. I feel as though it is over used.

So you would probably think it strange then that that is where I found myself today when I decided to open my Bible at my new clean kitchen table.  I am not sure why but opening my Bible in my lap on my couch is just not as appealing as on a table. Weird I know. Anyway. I read the entire chapter of Jeremiah 29 and I was amazed.

It is Jeremiah writing a letter to the Israelites that are now in exile in Babylon. He is giving them a message from God. Now I feel as though we read past the exile part, but man I cannot imagine being uprooted and governed by someone else. Not easy and then on top of that feeling as though God has let this happen to you.

In the letter Jeremiah is telling them that God wants them to continue to live, continue to have babies, the same amount, not less. (this is a paraphrase of course, but this is basically what was said) He goes on to say that God will rescue them but not for 70 years. Then Jeremiah 29:11 comes up, to remind them that God has a plan. He has your back and wants what is best for you, not harmful things, but great things.

This hit me because I feel as though I am in my Babylon right now. Please hear me, I am not at all equating where I am in life to the Jews being in exile, I know they are not the same thing. But it kind of is. We each have our hard times, just because they are not as hard as someone else's does not negate them. They are still hard. And thinking of how other's may have it worse does not help. It may put it into perspective but it's not going to remove your hardships.

But let me get back on track. I am in my Babylon and God is saying to me keep living. Do not shut down and simply wait. Settle in and enjoy your time, be prosperous and do not live less than you would somewhere else. Because you aren't somewhere else. And always remember that God has a plan. To prosper you and not to harm you. He does have your back, but that doesn't mean it will be easy. He loved his Son and Jesus had no cake walk, so do not think you will either.

If you are in a similar place as me, where you just do not feel like you are where you are meant to be or doing what you are meant to be doing rest assured that this could be your Babylon and you to continue striving not merely surviving. Until God takes you somewhere else and your plan will continue. And your Babylon is in your plan.

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