Also a few things that I have picked up to pass the time, that I am spending alone, ha.
I have learned to knit. I just started yesterday. I am knitting a thick beige circle scarf. I will post pics when I am finished.
I have also bought canvas to continue painting what inspires me. We shall see what comes of that.
I have also desired to start sewing again. I would like to make my own clothes. I have not sewn since my first year of university, but hopefully it will be enjoyable. I have an apron that I am going to begin with. Maybe you will see me on Project Runway some day. Or maybe just Etsy.
I have been someone in the past that will simply give up, or convince myself that I do not like to do it anymore, when the task became a little difficult. That is what I did with Soccer, Softball, Yearbook (in university), the drums, the guitar, the piano. I seem to be a seasonal hobby enthusiast. I only try it for a season.
Hopefully these hobbies stick and I simply try to be myself. Paint what I want to paint, knit what I like to knit, design something that I love. Not to impress anyone else, simply myself.
I want to stay true to myself.
If you enjoy the sewing there are lots of projects I could give you! Some of the cutest little girl stuff is hand-made:)