Sunday 5 January 2014


Wow two posts in the span of a few days I am on a roll. But I guess it is the new year, this is one of my resolutions and just as the fitness places are swarming right after the new year I guess my blog post might be flooded too. Hopefully I keep this going longer than March. Anyway

I was reading in the Bible today, yes I know it is a rarity. But my church is reading the Bible in a year and I have wanted to do this for some time but have not had the discipline to do it. So I thought why not now. That may be my motto for the year Why Not Now. 

Another tangent... So as I was saying I was reading in Genesis today about Abraham and God requiring him and any of those that follow they ways of the Lord to be circumcised. Circumcision has never been something that I have thought about much maybe because I am a woman, but I have always found it to be a little gruesome. Today though I found myself completely torn up about it. To think that these young children and some not so young at that time, are having to have their genitals cut up and to think that back then they did have anesthesia as we do today. It just pained me to think of how awful it had to have been when everyone needed to me circumcised. I turned to my mom and asked her what the reasoning is for circumcision? I knew that their had to be a reason, because (call me naive if you choose) I do not believe that God requires things for no reason. He always has a reason and I do not believe that it is vain or conceited either. My mother said it was probably because of cleanliness, which does make sense. But why have the foreskin at all if you are going to need to cut it off. I was thinking that maybe it is because it protects while the fetus is in the uterus. I know this is not essential to my belief in God nor is it essential in my life at all. But it was something interesting I was thinking about and wondering what the purpose of it was.

Random thoughts in my mind.

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