Wednesday 8 June 2011


So I have been home now for almost a month. I have not crossed much off of my to-do list.

This is the list (it will become longer)
-games, baseball, and soccer
-something completely spontaneous
-go to Chicago more
-go shop in Galena and Paoli
-have a night where I am completely unhindered
-go to a movie by myself
-go golfing more
to name a few

I have been spending time pondering. This can be a good thing, but has the potential to be quite negative. I am a college graduate, deciding to live at home, making little more than minimum wage, trying to stay true to myself in most ways, but also feeling this need to push the boundaries of me or to be more like ____________. I thought that this stage in my life was over, and I wonder if coming home rekindles its flame. I love being close to home do not get me wrong, and by close I am smack dab on the spot, but I wonder if those parts of me that I left behind when I left did not really go anywhere, but stayed here and waited for me to come back.

Since I left I have become quite fond of who I am. I have come to grips with many of the insecurities that I have and the different tendencies that I grew up with. These are no longer flaws but the imperfections of a masterpiece that prove it to be one of a kind. I do not want my returning home to hinder that mind frame, or maybe the testing will just make it stronger.

We will wait and see.

Saw Bridesmaids last night. I give it a 8/10. very funny. the vomiting scene, priceless. anyone would have lashed out at the end.

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