Wednesday 22 July 2015

Transitions are necessary, they tell us where we are going.

So when I graduated from university (I know really Erica, UNIVERISTY... hop off it, HA It's what they say in Canada, and I haven't quite lost it, nor do I want to, it makes me sound distinguished, HA) I had planned to spend a little time at home. I had been away from home for basically 6 years only coming back for Christmas and summer. I wanted to be closer to my family, be able to see them when I wanted to, not when I was home for a visit. I wanted to be able to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family. (this is a big deal because if you did not know Canada does not have the same Thanksgiving as us, theirs is in the beginning of October, Harvest time, or our Columbus Day) My school did have an American Thanksgiving dinner that you could pay to go to and I did for two years, it was good, but just not the same as grandma's house. I only planned on staying home for a year or two and then I would be on my next adventure. Ya see ever since I graduated high school I had been living far away having adventures. I went to Ecuador for a year and then to Canada for 5. So I was used to traveling and being on my own and seeing new places. I developed a travel itch and it needs to be scratched every so often.

So I had planned on staying home for only a couple of years. Home was to be a transition period. I saw this period as getting rid of some student loan debt and basically just living for a few years. I did not think that I should be planting any roots because what was the point I was going to be gone in a year or 2.

Well that year or two has turned into 4 and most likely 5. I realized that this could still be a transition period no matter the length of the stay. But that I should start planting roots. Because no matter if it is a transition time or not it shouldn't be viewed as wasted time, or lesser. God still has you here. He still has a plan and you still have things that you need to be doing here, now. Not in a year or two when you go somewhere else. I need to start getting involved in things here and building relationships here because where I am, you got it, here. I cannot start to build a life in the future in a different place, because once again that is not my reality. This is and I need to be seeing it as just as valuable as any other period of time. 

So last November I was asked to be on our Missions Team. It is a few year commitment but right now, I do not have a plan for the future. Right now this is my future, for now at least. I am working toward helping out with our youth, which I probably should have been doing a while ago, but I thought why start when I am going to be leaving so soon. (HA hindsight, ain't it something.) I am going to be taking the membership class at our church, which has been a long time coming. My mom has been asking for awhile, but as said before I thought why do that when I am going to be leaving.

Now transitions are necessary in life. Not just in life but in writing. We use transition words to guide readers along our train of thought. It is a clue as to our next point or a new direction our paper is going into. Think of that as life. And our transitions are God's way of directing us to another point or to a new phase of life. These transitions in a paper can be as simple as a word-- next, therefore, after. Or they can be a whole other idea that needs to be explored. Same in life. A transition could be as simple as quitting a job and getting a new one, or day to day decisions. But it could also be an extended period of time where God is getting us ready for what is to come. He is preparing us for the next phase. But this transition time is probably more important than the actual next phase, because this is where God is molding us and forming us into the person that is ready for that next phase.

Seeing a transition period as a waste can be a very destructive mindset.  Continually waiting for the next best thing to come along. Planning and planning for that next best thing. Essentially wasting the gift that God has given us, the gift of every single day that we wake up and take in breath. Missing opportunities now to grow, in knowledge, in faith. Missing doing his work and being apart of something bigger than us. I am reminded of a quote by Jim Elliot who was a missionary to the indigenous people in Ecuador and was actually killed by those very people he was trying to witness to.

Throughout the Bible God calls us to be in the moment. In Matthew chapter 6 He talks about worrying about tomorrow, or worrying about having what you need.  (get ready for my paraphrase) "Isn't the lily clothed beautifully, doesn't your Father in Heaven love you more than a flower, then how much more will He give to you." Or the idea that today has enough worry in and of itself. Do not take some from tomorrow and add it to today. (another awesome paraphrase) But the idea is there. Live in today. God knows what you need. He will provide it.

I need to pay student loan debt. It is not a secret. God of course knows. When I first came home from school I did not have a job in the fall. I did some looking but nothing came up. I had a week before I was essentially not going to have a job. But I was not worried, because I knew that God knew I had to pay off loans. Well that same week he brought a full time teaching aid position into my life. Sometimes I think we feel as though we have to plan it out. We are afraid that God will not show up, our faith and trust is very little. So we make sure we have a job or ___________. Basically not giving God a chance to wow us. Do not get me wrong I do not think we have the ability to change His plans. But we could be wowed by Him. Really see Him move and grow in our Trust. (that is for another time.)

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