Saturday 5 April 2014

Dishes are theraputic, they did the trick. Haiti day 5 and 6

Day 5
I still am struck by the fact that Saul and David were good looking.

Chris told us to not be so focused on the distant future, but to be looking for your next step of obedience. When I think about the stories from the Bible, God rarely told people far in advance of what he would require of them. Instead He told them step by step what he desired. I wonder if He told us in advance if we would even be willing to do it. I think it would be too much for us. But the constant obedience shapes us so that when the something big does come we are equipped and ready for that step. I don't know just something to think about.

I am thinking of asking if the kids at the orphanage need to learn English. That is something that I could possibly do. But do not focus so much on months in the future, just one step at a time.

Day 6
I still have not asked if they need to learn English but I will.
I have an overwhelming feeling that I do not want to go home. I do not want to go back to reality, to a job that I dislike, to children that are not respectful, to a world that does not know how good we have it.

I also woke up today realizing that the honeymoon period is done. I am getting a bit annoyed with people. This is not uncommon for me, I get annoyed and irritated with people easily especially if we are living together. I found myself being very quiet at the work site today. Anyone would say anything and I was done. I just knew I needed to stay quiet because I knew I would say something that was harsh and that I did not mean.

We had the opportunity to wash dishes after breakfast and I knew that I needed to do it. There was only about 5 of us and I needed something that would be a bit therapeutic. The process that the Haitians go through to wash dishes is very thorough and efficient. We had a big pot that they cooked in, so it had a bunch of stuff stuck on it, we put all the dishes in there with some water. This is where we got all the stuff off of the dishes. Then they would put into soapy water where they were washed, then rinsed two separate times. By the time we were done everything came off the pot so easily. I was amazed at how efficient their methods were.

After this I was in a much better mood. It actually changed my attitude. It was truly a god send.

These days I did not journal as much as before, that could be because I was actually enjoying the area and the children and not contemplating the future so much.

The kitchen and us doing dishes. Every meal was cooked over that fire.
This is the big pot, which I proceeded to get black all over me while cleaning it out.

Kids on a break from school

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