Monday 7 January 2013

Take each day!

So I am trying something new. 

I have been very pessimistic and my area of work has a lot to do with it. Well let's be honest, I am only pessimistic when I am either at work or talking about work. So I think the pessimist award goes 

I just do not understand a lot of the decisions that they make and I have so much extra work to do because of these decisions, which does not make me understand them any better. 

Anyway back to trying something new. I was discussing my  negative attitude with someone (I would deem my mentor) and she said that I should make a goal each day. 

So I made a frame. Inside the frame it says Today I will ... with three lines. So I will write on the glass each day and try and focus on one thing each day. 
I will also be focusing on doing this for the Lord and not for myself, the administrators and not for the students. Hopefully with that focus I can move mountains. 

Today I was focusing on Patience. I did well until 1:30. So I am thinking tomorrow may have the same goal!

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