Saturday 31 January 2015

A change in mindset can alter your reality.

Life is very interesting. Things seem to happen at just the right time. Like when they are meant to. I mean I could not have planned this. I wouldn't have planned this.

Before I said that I think this is my Babylon and I still feel that way. I do feel as though this is an inbetween and when God is ready He will bring me out of it. But about a week ago I had this crazy overwhelming feeling/realization. I was driving to do a spa party about 40 minutes away and all of a sudden I was struck by how blessed I am. It was a very supernatural thing, I cannot explain it (all the good God moments are). The tears were brimming, I mean on the flood gates. And I couldn't let them fall because I needed to not look tear streaked. But I was seriously overcome with how God has blessed me, has my life been perfect, no. Have I always loved where I am  or who I am (have you read this blog, then you know that is a no) But as they say hindsight is 20/20. And as I look back over my 27 years I see God's hand. I see that he has led me, not allowed me to make too bad of decisions that could have forever affected my life. He was truly like a Father, guiding me, letting me make some of my own decisions, even if they may be bad ones, so that I can learn. I had many times I could have made bad choices, but I always had this voice in my head, steering me. I began to think about where I am as well and that I am blessed to be able to come home, to live in a house where unconditional love is shown at its best. I have a job, that is not stressful, I have a business that I can do on my own time. His plan is always perfect and you never realize it until you have come through it.

Over this past week I have had this change in mindset. I need to be setting roots. I have a desire to begin to plant myself. I am being here, I am ready to make here work and not to be constantly thinking of this as temporary. I mean it has been almost 4 years. But I feel as though if we always think of where we are as temporary then we can miss out on what is here, because we are here for a reason. Stop looking to the future, it has no answers for you. Stop thinking about oh I can do this when this happens. Or when I finally get rid of my debt then I can truly ___________. Or when I _________  then I can ____________. Because God does not call those that have it all together and appear to be perfect. He calls those that he can mold, that he can speak to, that are available and soft hearted. Those people are usually the people that don't have it all together. They are the ones merely hanging on.

It is really funny how a change in mindset can alter your reality. Nothing else has changed, same job, same people, same, same, same but because my outlook has changed, everything has changed. My small little town doesn't look too bad. It is filled with some great people and opportunities right outside my door.

(Now do not hold this against me when my next blog post is about something negative. You sometimes see the worst sides of me. You are not always seeing the steady Erica, but the bipolar Erica, (not literally). You see when my mood/mindset swings, that is not always my reality, but it does creep in)

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