Tuesday 29 November 2011

better world

So I was reading through Leviticus this morning and I know what you are thinking...why Leviticus? But I do have an answer for you. I sometimes roam the Bible for something to read, but now I have started from the beginning so I always have a place to start. Anyway back to my story. I was reading through Leviticus and I came across chapter 18 where it discusses Unlawful Sexual Relations.

God is telling the Israelites to not have sexual relations with their relatives. I was reminded of some of those crazy warning labels on products that make you say... "Really, we have to be warning people of that?" For example my mom bought a curling iron the other day and on the warning label it said do not use while in bed sleeping or something of the sort and my mom thought that was funny. I said that they probably had to put it on their because someone has done it before. It is not on there simply to be funny, but to inform people.

Now to tie it all together. I was thinking that back in Old Testament Bible times, the world must have been way worse back then than it is now. Because God would not warn us against something that did not seem to be an issue. He is going to use his time wisely and tell us of those dangers that are around us. This makes me think that it was the norm for people to have sexual relations with their relatives. Which then makes me believe that since that is not the norm today that the world was a little worse back then, not saying that we have 'arrived' or anything, but that that part is not as much of an issue as it was back then. I feel as though back then people did as they pleased, or what pleased them. I also find that this whole chapter is geared toward men. It has been said that they are the more sexual beings. I like how this chapter is wrapped up. God makes a statement that the land has been defiled by the people who did these things before the Israelites got there. If they cannot live their without defiling the land then the land will vomit then out as it did the nations before them. The land, God's land, will actually purge itself of the sinfulness. Interesting thought.

We still have many an issue and I am glad that sexual relations with our relatives is not on the forefront of them.

Just a little tidbit from my brain this morning.

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