Here is a list of some of the things that I have learned over the years and that I think all twenty something's should figure out in their twenties.
1. You need to have a night time routine. You are not 12 anymore and your face goes through a lot in a day and you need to take a bit of time to clear those pores. You could maybe take a break for a night, but get right back to it. Your skin will thank you. Oh you have to make sure you moisturize. Your skin is losing its elasticity, and if you keep it moisturized then wrinkles will have no wear to plant themselves. I heard recently that you should start doing anti-aging skin care when you turn 20. So better get to it. Now please do not just use any old skin care products, you would not eat garbage so stop putting it on your skin where it soaks into your blood stream in about 25 seconds. It matters what you put on your face and body. A shameless plug, Arbonne seriously has some great products that do not test on animals, have no parabens, their standards are European, which is crazy because America lets so many harmful ingredients into their products. Shameless plug over.
2.Start saving some money. Just put some money away from every paycheck. You will thank yourself when your car breaks down and you do not need to use your credit card, but money from your savings. It could also come in handy to do some of those things you really want to do, travel, concert, adventure, but are a twentysomething and do not make a lot of money. But what you thought ahead and saved money. You are so smart. There are a lot of good plans on Pinterest. Check them out.
3. Begin to workout regularly. Spend a lot of time trying new things and figure out the one thing that you could keep doing. May it be Pilates, yoga, running, going to the gym. What ever it is, find it and do it 3 times a week. I love to crossfit, I know, I know its the new craze. But I have been doing it for almost 10 months and that is the longest I have ever done a workout program. I can work on skills, it is very individualized even though you work out in a group. It is so encouraging. I love it. Go try it once, or go for a session. I loved it the first time, but I can see why many people might not. So give it a few times.
4. Create a list of things you know you do not want to do. You do not need to have everything figured out in your twenties, but try a lot of different things and start making a list of the things you do not want to do. So maybe you can start narrowing the search down to what you want to do. If you have read this blog once you probably know that I am not sure what I should be doing. But I am trying some different things to narrow down what I may or may not want to do. At least you will meet some new people, make some connections and maybe through those connections you will find what you are suppose to do.
5. Surround yourself will great people. As you know I teach and I am constantly talking to my students about making good friends. I am trying to get them to realize that the company you keep affects the person you are. "You are the company you keep." If you want to be a positive person, someone that everyone wants to be around, or simply a good person, then surround yourself with those people. Unless you like being miserable then surround yourself with people that are pessimistic and angry all the time. See what life will be like then.
6. Find some good hobbies. You need to have something that you can talk to people about. This will show that you are growing up and maturing. Finding things that you are interested in also can open you up to new friend groups. There is nothing worse than when someone asks what you like to do in your spare time and you say, "I hangout with my friends and watch TV." You know those people but you also know those people who light up when they get to talk about something they are passionate about. Be that person. I am still trying to find hobbies. I really like talking about Crossfit, which for some people is a huge turn off because then it reminds them of what they are not doing. Sorry, I'm kind of not sorry.
7. Make Goals. Life can start to snowball in a way when you begin to work the 9-5. Days go by so quick, weeks, then months and Whoa its a new year. So one of my friends has done this for years, She does a certain number of things before her next birthday, sometimes they carry over, but its a good way to be working towards something and trying to have new experiences. You are not in high school or university anymore and new experiences are not around every corner, you need to create them. For example this weekend I went to a trampoline park. Never thought I would do it, but it was really fun. We were the oldest people there without kids, but you just gotta get over it. So have things to live for, and work towards otherwise life flashes by, no joke.
8. Travel. Doing this when you are young is key. Especially if you do not have a family. You can still stand to stay in a cheap, semi-crappy hotel or stay on a friends couch without needed to recover for weeks afterward. You can also do far more walking and what not without completely throwing out your back. This is the time to travel cheap, but maybe not in style, but this is also the easy way to see a city as the locals do, cheap.
9. Enjoy doing things on your own. I am still learning this skill. I am not very comfortable yet with being by myself. Okay correction, I really enjoy it for a maybe an hour at the most Then I get bored and desire someone to talk to. I have eaten at a restaurant by myself, go to coffee shops by myself (obviously with a book or computer otherwise I feel weird), I can go for a walk by myself (even though I don't really do this often) But the truth is in your life the one person you can always count on is yourself, you can never be away from yourself, so you better start enjoying you and not being reliant on anyone else for entertainment. If you want to do it, do it. That is also a major turn on for men, just saying, that little tid bit is free, your welcome.
10. Last but not least, you can not please everyone. No matter what you do, you will never make everyone happy. Some people just might not like you and you need to be okay with that. Be as kind as you can, be the best you can. But it may not matter. I read a Bible verse recently that said, "as much as it depends on you live in peace with everyone." Romans 12:18. Even back then Paul knew that you cannot control other people. You have no say in what they think, how they feel or what they do. But you do have control over you, and do your best to be at peace with people. But if you cannot live in harmony with some of God's children, then shake it off (cue Taylor Swift) and move on. Most likely they are not close to you anyway, so their feelings towards you should not bother you for longer than a few days. (This is kind of hard for me, not because I care a crazy amount of what people think of me, but I am trying to live a life worthy of Christ, and my integrity means a lot to me, so it does affect me when someone contradicts what I am trying be, but I am working on it.) Most likely its not even you that they are offended or turned off by, it is something in them. Some people are never happy or always the victim, you can never win. Continue to be kind, but do not waste your time and energy worrying about it.