Wednesday 17 June 2015

4 Simple Ways to Redirect

I have been overcome recently with the concept of:

You define what is important to you by what you spend your time doing.

I have been spending my summer watching a lot of TV, Netflix may have been a mistake, and watching a lot of sports/sports commentating (but the Blackhawks have won the Stanley Cup so that is done), working out, and worrying about Arbonne, you read that correctly, worrying. two out of the three of these things are in a way good for me. Working out is important for my health and well being, I wouldn't say that I am over doing it or spending an unhealthy amount of time on it. Worrying about Arbonne, Arbonne is my job so I should be thinking about it, but worrying is not going to change a thing. Now the TV thing is a waste of time, but I cannot change it by worrying about it. 

What I realized is that God, who I say all these great things about (because they are true) and who has saved me from myself. Who has guided and protected me throughout my life. Who loves me more than I will ever know. He does not even seem to crack the top ten of my list. I say that He is at the top, but is He truly. No. 

I say quite a lot, but my actions are what truly reveal my heart. I may in my mind want many things to be true. But they are merely thoughts in my mind, they are ideas. Ideas are nothing if they are not either shared or created into something. If people just kept their ideas to themselves we would not have some of the greatest inventions or thinkers. It just shows that actions, what you do is important. It is what others will know you by. That is because people cannot read your mind, they only know what type of person you are by how you speak and what you do. And they will find out very quickly if you are a person of integrity, what you say matches what you do, or if you are a hypocrite, your words do not match what you do. Then your words mean nothing. 

I need to get back to my words, or the things I want to be true about me, to mean something. What I spend my time doing matters, 

Here are 4 simple ways to get yourself back on track. 

1. Take an inventory of what you are spending your time doing or thinking about. 

This is key. Most of the things we spend time doing are not bad. It is the fact that we spend too much time on them. These activities have taken the place of God in our lives, or have taken the place of something else we would like to achieve. Or they have simply become God to us. We need to take a step back and look at our day and see what we are doing, in our down time when we are not working, what are we filling our time with. Even when we are at work what is going through our minds is key. Is it a constant string of complaints, or can we just not wait until it is closing time (cue Matchbox 20)? Write these things down. Take a normal day and write down everything you do and everything you think about.

2. Make a list of what you want to do/be

This means that you need to figure out what you want with life, and who you want to be. Where do you want to be in 5 years? What kind of a person do you see yourself being? So for example I would like to be debt free, living on my own, and doing something that I truly love. Those may seem quite simple, but you haven't seen my student loans!!! Now there are other things that I would like as well, but those came to mind first. Maybe you want to volunteer, or start a startup or be involved in something that matters. Whatever it is big or small write it down. This is your list of goals. 

3. Look over both lists, cross off from list 1 what is not going to help you with list 2. 

So in this step you need to think critically. Look over what you want from life, or where you want to be going (list 2) and decide which activities from list 1 will assist you in getting there. If it does not assist you, then cross it off. These activities need to be down strictly in moderation.  

For example,  if you are thinking that TV will be in your future, as a writer or a reviewer then watching TV will actually be beneficial for you. But if you are merely watching TV to fill time, that will not get you to be where you want to be. Those minutes or hours, maybe even days will never come back. (remember I am not condemning anyone, I am an avid TV watcher remember) 

If you want to have an impact in some way, maybe in the lives of people or with a product. Then you should probably be out doing something that can have the opportunity to make an impact. Cross of everything that is getting in the way of you being who you want to be. 

4. Brainstorm what activities you can do to aid you in achieving list 2

So for me, I need to think of ways to make a little extra money, (to get rid of my debt and quickly as possible). That is one reason why I started with a Network Marketing company. I need to spend a little more time formulating a budget and sticking to it. (its true what they say mo money, mo problems, (well its really mo money, mo ways I can spend that money) Once my debt is more under control I can think of moving out and living on my own. 

This means that I need to start to spend more time with God. Reading his word, journaling, praying, worshiping. Being concerned with what He would have me do today, not being consumed with the future. (you may be thinking but you just said 5 years from now) Yes you should have goals and dreams, and plans, but they shouldn't own you. Today is all that is certain and even then it is not so certain. 

So maybe you need to look into volunteering more, maybe with your church, with different organizations around your city, or traveling to larger cities and finding ways to get involved. Not always are opportunities going to come to you, sometimes you need to go and seek them out. Maybe you want to write, well what you need to do is write. 

Find ways to achieve some of your goals today, or take steps to achieving your goals today. What you do today may have a great impact on your future and you had no idea. 

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