Sunday 30 June 2013

Good behavior change I mean chain!

Wow its been awhile. Let me catch you up.

Well since my last horrific blog post I decided to turn things around. I was talking to a friend and she is a social worker at a school and she gave me a few ideas. The one I chose to go with was a good behavior chain. If I saw the students doing something nice for someone else or if a student came and told me about a good deed than that person would get their name on a piece of paper and that paper would be added to the chain. The students would get different incentives for how far the chain got. It did not even take a week and the chain hit the floor.

I began to realize that it is difficult for young children, okay lets be honest anyone, to simply do nice things for people. That is why I had an external award for these students. If they got the chain across the room they would get a pizza party. They had 6 weeks or so.

They actually were very excited about this. When it touched the floor they were ecstatic. They did not get across the room, but very close. I gave them ice cream instead of a pizza party, but it was still an incentive.

I think I am going to start it at the beginning of this next year, I will have four classes and I think I will make it a competition among the classes and see how it goes.

The behavior did seem to be better, at least in front of me.

The girls were still horrible. One of the ring leaders actually was getting a dose of her own medicine and was getting fazed out. I think she was beginning to see that it doesn't pay to be friends with these girls, but I know how girls are and they will still run back to them even if they make them feel horrible.

See the rest in my next post about girls!

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