Monday 16 April 2012


So I have really wanted to get a tattoo. Not just because it is trendy or edgy but because I was realizing that it was very easy for me to forget who I had become and desired to be. I had taken so much to try and understand what God thinks of his people. What truly his affections are toward us. The resounding answer was the idea of love, this type of unconditional love that is not contingent on how I behave, but has been constant since beginning of time. Realizing that no matter what I do God will love me the same is completely freeing. I had been living in a cycle of shame and guilt, that is how my relationship with God was fueled. Or my life in general. And now I can be free of that destructive type of thinking, which is not of God. And be free to understand that He is here all of the time and He possible of anything and all I have to do is give myself to him and allow him to transform you. Just being there and being open. He will seriously do wonders that you never dreamed of. It is amazing to me that I can forget this type of sacrifice and love, but as fallen people we are prone to forget some of the greatest things that happen and focus on the bad things.

So a few years ago I was realizing that it would be good to have a constant reminder of who I desire to be. This was the first time that I even thought of getting a tattoo. I have always liked them, but never thought I would actually get one, until now.

But I am so indecisive.

It takes me forever to decide what to eat if there are more than 5 options. It took me 4 years to finally pick a pair of TOMS. enough said.

I also really enjoy being original, very difficult in this society at times, but with getting a tattoo I want something original, I don't just want to get the word LOVE because I hate to say it but it is a bit cliche. I also want to get it in a place that is different and not just the usual.

See I have these thoughts going through my head every time I think about getting a tattoo. Which makes me think I might not even do it. But I have to, I cannot just let my indecisiveness get in my way, but it is a serious decision as well. It is there forever!

This is my conflict.

I like idea of love in a different language.
Writing daughter in Hebrew.
Just be-

Or something of the sort. I would like it on my right hand somewhere, I think.

Oh the mind of me! Crazy!

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