So as I have mentioned before I am beginning to work with the youth at our church. I feel as though I should have started this awhile ago, but there is a right timing for everything.
I was recently asked by one of them what was a struggle that I had and how did I over come it?
It is quite a common question that younger people will ask older people. Give me your advice. Maybe it will work for me.
So I made sure to say to her that I will let you know when I have over come it. But what has changed everything for me was when I stopped thinking of myself.
I feel as though in life we are very self centered. I know what you are thinking, seriously Erica, tell me something I don't know. Or are you trying to be facetious.
What I mean by that is that even in our relationship with God, when we are trying to think of Him, When we want (I believe) what He wants for us. We want to be rid of the things that hinder us. But for some reason it is still there. The insecurity, the struggle whatever it is, it is still there. And then we get frustrated because it doesn't go away. And then that can effect how we see God.
If you wonder if you are one of these people, think about what you spend the majority of your time praying for. Is it praising God, and praying for others? Or is it solely on you. Now I am not saying that it is wrong to pray for yourself, but when that is all you are praying for, then you may be focusing a little too much on your own problems.
I have found that actually when I get the focus off of myself that is when, either things are put into the right perspective, or I learn a little more about God's heart and it just seems to transform my own.
I mean think about it. When I used to have bad headaches. It consumed me. It is was all I could think about it. If pain reliever or taking a nap did not rid me of it (which a nap never did, it made it worse) Then I learned that if I chatted to my mom or brother about life or went to a group (in university) and just listened or watched a tv show or something. It would usually go away, because I stopped focusing on it. Now that may not be a great analogy, but it works.
A few of my struggles when I was young (lets be real it is still a struggle, I do not think we are completely rid of these things, we just learn what is important and how to not allow yourself to go there) needing attention from others to make myself feel valuable, not feeling like I am enough, truly not thinking I was beautiful when I looked in the mirror. No joke I did not usually like what I saw. My prayers were always, God help me to see me the way you do. I do not feel as though my intentions were wrong, but I think my focus was wrong. I wanted God to fix something inside me, just by magic or something. I do believe that God is all-powerful and can do anything. But I think He wants us to get to know Him more, to take our focus off of ourselves. When we do that we are bombarded by His goodness, His is love that we do not deserve at all. When we come into contact with how little we are and we are loved more than we could know. It kind of makes some of our issues and struggles seem small in comparison to Him and what He does for us.
So I challenge you that if you are struggling with something and all you want is to be rid of it, try delving into God. Reading and truly taking Him in. pick a topic or a book of the Bible or a book study and dive in. When praying, praise Him, take a moment to really concentrate on who you are talking to. Do not rush into His presence. So stop focusing on you and take time to think of others and God. Maybe get involved in something, volunteer. It can help take the focus off of you too (I am still working on this too, it is a journey)