So it has been a while since I posted.
I now have a full time teaching job. It is quite surreal. I am teaching grade 5 at a charter school about a half hour commute from my house. My first day went well, but I was so immensely overwhelmed at the end of the day, the only way I new to relieve that stress was to cry. And boy did I. I cried my whole half hour home and then felt so much better. I have not cried since.
Each day/week seems to get easier. My planning does not seem to take as long as it did that first few weeks. My copies are prepared the week before I need them, instead of the the day before I need them.
I love Copies. I will say it. I hate that I go through paper like crazy, but I cannot help it. I love copies. They are my best friend as a teacher. I go through about 2 reams of paper every two weeks or so. It may seem ridiculous, but ask any teacher, copies make your life easier.
My class is pretty good. They are children which I need to keep reminding myself of. They are only 10 or so and they are not completely in control of their own mouths. (But lets be honest, some adults aren't even in control of their mouths) I vow to not raise my voice often, yes use a stern voice, but I do not want to yell. I hear some of the other teachers yelling and I feel as though it is not effective. I think this because they are still yelling and we are 5 weeks in. So I want to try a different tactic. I am really trying to focus on positive reinforcement and taking time to discuss proper behavior and attitudes. We shall see if it works out.
I am almost an eighth of the way through the year.