Thursday 16 July 2015

Maybe we all need to be a little more gullible and a little less skeptical.

Throughout your life people will ask you to believe things that you just know are not true. There is something in you that doubts it. You know, your head tilts to the side, your voice rises like two octaves and you say out loud, "No, that can't be true." Your eyes squint together. You have a complete look of uncertainty on your face. Now they need proof. They need a photo, or a video or a scar or something to take that doubting look off of your face. Then when that proof comes you are set right. It is almost like part of you wanted it to be true, but then the other part (which may be small, always wins over) knows it cannot be true. It is almost a let down, or ruins your trust in people a bit. I know these instances are harmless in reality, they are meant to be funny. But I believe these situations have directly influenced our trust or faith.

Now there are some people who's disbelieving bone is not as strong as others. We like to call these people gullible. I have from time to time been called this. Then you get a little smarter and are not as easily fooled. I do not initially believe but it is with those people who do not let it go. The joke that is. That is what usually will fool me. When they can keep it up. I actually think gullible people have an easier time trusting people in general, and maybe even trusting God.

I feel as though life has created this doubting mentality in us. Our being fooled one to many times. We do not as easily believe.

This reminds me of our walk with God. There are things that happen that cannot be explained, it is hard for us to believe it. Or there are things that SEEM to go against who God is, but in reality they are both true. We just need to widen our capacity of what we know to be true. I mean this is how we learn we make connections to what we already know and if there is no connection from which this new information can be stemmed we either need a new starting point or we disregard it as not being true. This happens as we become adults. Children are creating new starting points all the time. We may say they are gullible but I think God sees them as true believers, with a faith and trust that does not need explanations. They blindly follow, and blindly trust. Now I know that it can get them in trouble at times. But I wish that as adults we kept this blind faith, and truly trusted God for everything and that the wisdom we had came from Him and that would help us steer clear of these harmful situations.

We want so much proof as adults. We want all the information and we want it all to make sense for us. But then where would faith and trust come in. We wouldn't need it. We would essentially be God, having all the answers and all the information. But that is not what we are. And frankly I am not sure I would want all of that information or power. It would be overwhelming. We are so easy to criticize those in power but we would never jump to take their place. Because we know what it would take, and we are not willing to subject ourselves to that. We question God about His plan, but as mentioned in a previous blog God has gotten us this far, He has shown himself to be faithful, but at the littlest thing our faith and trust can be rocked.

Well good news here. God is not asking us to be His equal. He is asking us to be His children, His servants. To trust that He has got everything in control and to follow wherever He may be leading us.

I was listening to John Mark McMillian's new album and he has commentary on there for each song. Where he got inspiration, what led him to write it, what was going on in his mind that sort of thing. For his song Counting On. He basically says that he thinks that faith is not so much an intellectual understanding it is more of a posture of the heart. It is about trusting Him. You are counting on Him because He is all you have. It is a trust when things do not make sense. But you know He is Good and Love, so then trust, have faith. If you know these things to be true then dwell on that and realize that we do not understand everything. We do not and will not have all the answers. So we have to Trust.

I was reminded of these thoughts while I read this article.a-both-and-woman-and-her-bible

Philippians 4:6-7
Isaiah 49:23
Psalm 37:5
Numbers 23:19
Psalm 119:68
Proverbs 3:5

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